
Probability and Ranges

In this page, all probabilities and ranges in Zept bot are listed.

Level System

Chat Experience 2 exp per message
Level Up Rewards Types
amethyst (Lv is multiple of 7)
crates (others)

Lv\(\div\)10 ~ Lv\(\div\)5 (users with Lv30+)
2 ~ 3 (others)

Premium users gets a boost of 1.5 on amounts

Attendance Rewards

Primary Reward 2 ~ 4 crates (50%)
10 ~ 30 tokens (50%)
Dudes Reward 1 ~ 3 /yours chance
Premium Reward 1 ~ 5 crates (50%)
1 ~ 2 amethysts (50%)
Hundredth Streak Reward streak\(\div\)100 freezes and streak\(\div\)100 sus crates
Weekly Streak Reward 2 ~ 3 sus crates (10%)
2 ~ 4 amethysts (30%)
50 ~ 100 tokens (30%)
5 ~ 10 crates (30%)


Token Crate Reward 7 ~ 9 tokens
boosts apply for the more crates you open at the same time
Sus Crate Reward 1 streak (2%)
10s ~ 45s of timeout (8%)
1d of amelover (10%)
1d of power (10%)
1d of haste (10%)
1d of stonks (10%)
1d of hapless (10%)
-200 ~ 200 tokens (20%)
-7 ~ 7 amethysts (20%)
Defenders Crate Reward Click me


Customer No one is willing to purchase (17%)
Customer scamming with lower price (31%)
Customer paying with normal price (1%)
Customer paying more than normal (51%)


Zeeb's Gift Reward First 3 seconds
7 ~ 10 amethysts (50%)
3 ~ 5 sus crates (50%)

~ 30 seconds
4 ~ 6 amethysts (40%)
2 ~ 3 sus crates (60%)

30+ seconds
1 ~ 3 amethysts (30%)
1 ~ 2 sus crates (70%)


Target 1 of top 10 users in the attend_streak leaderboard
Lose or Gain Normal
Lose (50%)
Gain (50%)

Hapless only on command user
Lose (66%)
Gain (33%)

Hapless only on target
Lose (33%)
Gain (66%)

Hapless on both users
Lose (50%)
Gain (50%)
Item Normal
1d of Hapless (20%)
3 ~ 7 amethysts (30%)
100 ~ 300 tokens (50%)

Amelover on either user
1d of Hapless (20%)
7 ~ 10 amethysts (40%)
100 ~ 300 tokens (40%)

Lucky Spin

Type Normal User
Monty Hall (3%)
Luck Test (3%)
Lucky Spin (94%)

Monty Hall (3%)
Luck Test (10%)
Lucky Spin (87%)
Lucky Number 1 ~ 150 (Normal User)
-150 ~ 150 (Hapless)*
51 ~ 250 (Stonks)*
-100 ~ 250 (Hapless and Stonks)*

*Only applies to Lucky Spin.
Lucky Spin Rewards token (60%)
crate (30%)
amethyst (10%)

amount determined by Lucky Number
Monty Hall Rewards air or 200 tokens (The Monty Hall Problem)
Luck Test Rewards amethysts

amount determined by how close you are to guess the Lucky Number