

This page is incomplete


Noun Definition
Level There are 5 levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Epic, and Legendary.
Owned Once a Defender character is received, it is owned. Owned characters can be checked with /df owns in Discord.
Locked A Defender is locked until 10 of the same character is collected.
Multiplier Each Defender can be upgraded by receiving existing characters (or Super Liens) from the crates.

Max multiplier amount varies for the different levels: Basic 150; Intermediate 100; Advanced 70.
Appoint Only unlocked Defenders are allowed to be appointed.

Must satisfy player Df Level before appointing: Lv1 Basic; Lv15 Intermediate; Lv50 Advanced.
Super Lien Super Lien is a special type of Defender that are allowed to upgrade any character of the same level.
Limited Limited Time Defenders can only be obtained with special crates that are offering them.
Crates There are different type of crates. Open crates to receive Defender characters.


Crate Amethysts Amount Basic Intermediate Advanced
I 20 10 10 0 0
I (5+1) 100 60 60 0 0
II 30 10 5 ~ 7 3 ~ 5 0
II (5+1) 150 60 30 ~ 42 18 ~ 30 0
III 200 50 15 ~ 50 0 ~ 20 0 ~ 15
IV 500 50 0 20 ~ 45 5 ~ 30
V 1000 25 0 0 25


For detailed information, use /df info [character name] in Discord.

Character Name Level Skill Added
Zeeb Basic 2019.12
Gigi Basic 2019.12
Dink Basic 2019.12
Zuck Basic 2019.12
Tut Basic 2019.12
Snowman Dink Basic Winter Frost! 2020.01
CNY Ned Basic Red Envelope 2020.01
Lightning Ned Basic Pure Energy 2020.05
Cyclist Halt Basic Hit The Breaks 2022.09
Weightlifter Dink Basic Kilograms 2022.09
Skeleton Halt Basic Bone Meal 2022.10
Pumpkin Lien Basic Carves and Craft 2022.10
Dong Basic 2022.11
Qurab Basic 2022.11
Ned Intermediate 2019.12
Halt Intermediate 2019.12
Amus Intermediate 2019.12
Lien Intermediate 2019.12
Pilot Gigi Intermediate Bird! Bird! 2020.02
Host Halt Intermediate Dessert Time! 2020.02
Wizard Lien Intermediate Magic Potion 2020.03
French Baker Halt Intermediate Baguette Hit! 2020.04
Food Critic Tut Intermediate You Call This Food 2020.04
Tuffy Intermediate 2020.08
Summer Tuffy Intermediate Frutie Smoothie 2022.08
Sunglasses Ned Intermediate Bright Light 2022.08
Icecream Gigi Intermediate Icecream Cone 2022.08
Lumberjack Zuck Advanced Tree Sprit 2020.02
Magician Zeeb Advanced Magic Healing 2020.03
Illusionist Amus Advanced Double Trouble 2020.03
Party Zeeb Advanced Invatation 2020.05
Bunny Advanced Hop Hop Hop! 2020.10
Mood God Amus Advanced The Mirror 2020.10
Reindeer Zuck Advanced Take Off! 2022.12
Elf Zeeb Advanced Handmade Toys 2022.12


Put your defender in a race to earn points.

Claim point rewards by using /df claim in Discord. Points reset every season.

Points Rewards

Points Required Reward
500 1 sus crate
1,000 Experiences
2,000 5 amethysts
6,000 Experiences
10,000 1 sus crate
15,000 Experiences
20,000 10 amethysts
25,000 Experiences
30,000 1 sus crate
35,000 Experiences
40,000 15 amethysts
50,000 3 Basic Super Liens
60,000 1 sus crates
70,000 2 Intermediate Super Liens
80,000 20 amethysts
90,000 1 Advanced Super Lien
100,000 2 sus crates
150,000 25 amethysts
200,000 2 sus crates
250,000 50 amethysts
300,000 3 sus crates
350,000 100 amethysts
400,000 4 sus crates
500,000 100 amethysts
600,000 5 sus crates
700,000 500 amethysts
850,000 10 sus crates
1,000,000 Seasonal Badge (if there is)

Seasonal Rewards

Rank Rewards
🥇 300 amethysts + 5 Intermediate Super Liens
🥈 200 amethysts + 5 Basic Super Liens
🥉 100 amethysts