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Although ⟪Snag That Flag⟫ is extremely similar to ⟪2 Player Tag⟫, there are still some differences. Here are them:

I. Game Rules

The original game is "tag," and the tag player is indicated by labling "tag" on top. When the time is up, the non-tag player wins. However, in ⟪Snag That Flag⟫, there are three game modes, Classic, Reverse, and Coin Master.

The classic game rule. Win by owning the flag when the level ends. To quote the description of this setting in-game:


The opposite of Classic. Win by not owning the flag when the level ends. To quote the description of this setting in-game:


A special game mode. Players would collect randomly-spawned coins in the level. This game mode only applies every level except "Category A Levels". To quote the description of this setting in-game:

Coin Master 模式,在有限的時間內,收集最多的金幣。持有旗子的玩家可以額外獲得五成金幣。此規則僅適用於特定關卡。

II. Settings

The game is highly customisable. Before you start the game, you can choose either to use a preset settings or edit the default setting by yourself.

There are currently 5 preset settings available. Loading custom presets are also supported.

Name Description
Previous The previous custom settings. If no custom settings had been made before, this option is hidden.
Flag Thief The default setting.
Speedrun Modified from "Flag Thief," the only difference being that every level only takes 10 seconds.
Entrepreneur The recommeneded setting when playing "Coin Master."
Square Chasing Play in enourmous maps.

You can save custom presets by following the steps below.

  1. Click「複製資料夾位址」.
  2. Paste it into your File Explorer and go back a folder (Presets).
  3. Copy "PreviousSettings.json," paste the file into "Custom," and rename it. A Chinese name for the file works best.
  4. Go back to the game and hit「重新整理」.
  5. Your custom preset will be loaded.

If none of the presets appeal to you, you may try customising the settings by yourself.

Blank titles mean same as previous.

Title Name Function
Game Mode Classic Check "I. Game Rules."
Reverse Check "I. Game Rules."
Coin Master Check "I. Game Rules."
Level Selection All / None Enable / Disable all levels in the category.
Up / Down Two pages, up and down. "Up" contains "Category A Levels," while "Down" contains "Category B and C Levels." Note that when Coin Master mode is in use, "Category A Levels" are always disabled.
Level Settings Level Length Duration of every level. The range is 10 to 30 seconds.
Player Settings Move Speed Speed of both players. The range is 1 to 1.5 times. Note that a speed boost of 1.2 is applied to the player with the flag.
Continuous Jumping The player can jump in the air n-1 times if this setting is set to n.
Bounciness A boolean. 0 means disabled, 1 means enabled.
Time Orb Settings Spawn Rate The spawn rate of the time orb in "Category B and C Levels." The range is 0% to 100%. This setting is also used on spawning coins during Coin Master mode.
Affected Seconds The seconds affected each time a time orb is collected. Check "III. Collectibles", "Time Orb" for details. This setting is disabled when Coin Master mode is in use.

III. Collectibles

There were no collectibles in the original game.

Name Function Limitations
Time Orb Affects the time when collected. The flag-holder would want the level to end quicker, and the one without would not. Therefore time is reduced when the flag-holder collects the time orb and vice versa. The seconds affected can be set before starting the game. Only appears in "Category B and C Levels." To ensure best experience while gaming, after a certain period, no more seconds can be added.
Coin Collect to increase the amount of coins. Check "V. Scoring" about how coins are calculated. Only spawns in Coin Master mode.
Bullet The player is stunned for 3 seconds upon collecting it. Originally appears exclusively in L9: Boss Level. After the 1120311 upadte, it spawns with very low chance in every levels of "Category B and C Levels."
Faucet Changes the water level. Exclusive to L5: Water 2.
Invert Controls As the name suggests. Exclusive to L8: Invert
Swap Players swap positions. Exclusive to "Category C Levels."
Random Teleportation Only spawns in the bottom of the level. Teleports the player to the top of the level upon collected. Exclusive to "Category C Levels."
Boost Speed Boost and Jump Boost. Exclusive to L15: Square

IV. Level-Exclusive Mechanics

First Appeared In Name Description
L2: Pirateship 1 Spring Pad Bounces the player high up. Originally exclusive, now appears in many other levels.
Sail The colour of the sail indicates the cyrrently leading player. Exclusive to Pirateship levels.
L3: Water 1 Water Click the jump button to "swim." Exclusive to Water levels.
L4: Teleporter 1. Teleporter Teleports the player to the corresponding exit. Exclusive to Teleporter levels.
L5: Water 2 Faucet Check "III. Collectibles", "Faucet."
L7: Stairs Stairs The stairs rise up and the player has to keep moving down. The flag is switched or double amount of time orb time is deducted when a player touches the top or bottom.
L9: Boss 1 Bullet Check "III. Collectibles", "Bullet."
Boss 2 Laser Boss shoots laser beams to attack players; same damage as the top and bottom part in L9: Stairs.
Lava Lava Rises to and fro from the bottom to the middle of the mountain. Teleports the player to the mountain peak if a player falls into the lava.
L8: Invert Invert Controls Check "III. Collectibles", "Invert Controls."
L14: Elevator Swap Check "III. Collectibles", "Swap."
Random Teleportation Check "III. Collectibles", "Random Teleportation."
L15: Square Boost Check "III. Collectibles", "Boost."

V. Scoring

int red = Player 1 score;
int blu = Player 2 score;

float diff = red - blu; // Difference between Player 1 and 2
float goldenCond = (red + blu) * 0.2f; // Condition of Golden Crown
int winMode = 3; // 0 Perfect Victory, 1 Win, 2 Nose Out, 3 Tie. Default is 3

if (diff > 0)
  winMode = diff > goldenCond ? (blu == 0 ? 0 : 1) : 2;
else if (Mathf.Abs(diff) > 0)
  winMode = Mathf.Abs(diff) > goldenCond ? (red == 0 ? 0 : 1) : 2;
Win Mode Crown Description
Perfect Victory Colourful When the opponent has 0 points and the winner has at least 1 point.
Win Golden When the winner wins more than 20% of the total score.
Nose Out Silver When the winner wins less than 20% of the total score.
Tie When both players have the same score.

Players can score by:

Owning the flag when the level ends.

Not owning the flag when the level ends.

Coins can be calculated like this:

int x = original; // The amount of coins the player originally have before starting this level
int y = thisLevel; // The amount of coins the player collected during this level
bool b = hasFlag; // Does the player own the flag?
int total = x + (int)(y * (b ? 1.5f : 1f));

The final amount of coins is equal to the original amount of coins plus the coins collected this round (times 1.5 if the player owns the flag).

Something worth noting

At the end of the level, it displays the winner by comparing the "raw amount of coins." But at the end of the game it compares the "final amount of coins," including flag buffs.