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Unless mentioned otherwise, everything in this page is about the latest version of the game.

I. The Internationalisation Plan

Am trying my best to cater to my every player! This plan is split into two parts, FitAllDevice and SpeakYourWay.


Ordered from up to down is the priority of supported devices.


Version 15 is the final version to have 18:9 as the default aspect ratio. It was later changed to 16:9.

For wider screens, the size of the original content is preserved, and extra spaces will fill in the wider parts of the screen. For slimmer screens, the size of the original content shrinks, and the camera in some Falls will have higher fov to include the entire scene.

Aspect ratios tested and officially supported are as follow...

Portrait Landscape
16:9 9:16
18:9 9:18
21:9 9:21

... the rest are calculated by math and normally would not go wrong.


The default language is the device language, and if it is unsupported, English is used as fallback. To change language, check III. Settings

Language ISO Translator
English en Zutek 3134
正體中文 zh-TW Zutek 3134
简体中文 zh Zutek 3134
Tiếng Việt vi Pei Feng-fu

Traditional and Simplified Chinese uses the English font of the same level for alphanumeric symbols.

Use/Language English, Vietnamese Trad. Chinese Simp. Chinese
Thin 100 Barlow Light Noto Sans TC Thin Noto Sans SC Thin
Regular 400 Barlow Regular Noto Sans TC Regular Noto Sans SC Regular
Bold 700 Open Sans Bold Noto Sans TC Bold Noto Sans SC Bold
Username I.MingCP I.MingCP I.MingCP
Numbers (on their own) Velera RoundShare Tech

Cultures are defined via the selected language in game, and if it is English, it falls back to the device setting.

Category/Culture Taiwanese Mandarin Mandarin Vietnam
Cultureinfo zh-TW zh vi
Numerals 1,234.56 1,234.56 1.234,56
Dates ROC Year / Month / Date Year / Month / Date Date / Month / Year

II. Menu

Title Subtitle Note
Version Detects if the game is up to date.
Click to go to download page or re-detect.
Made By Zutek Lol (Lots of love)
Discord Server My server
QQ Group My group
Document Game document of Do Not Fall Opens this site.
Update Logs Kist of all updates and logs Under construction...
Settings General game settings
Achievements Some extra challenges for you Requires login.
Personal Best Your game records Requires login.
Badges Time-limited events rewards Requires login.
Global Leaderboard Highscore of registered players!
Bewilderness Challenging minigames await Secret game.
Reload There’s no F5 key though

III. Settings

Title Function
Language Game language
Fullscreen Not windowded
Touch Effect Visual effects when you touch the screen
Theme The background when you’re not in a Fall
Scroll Direction The direction of the level menu
Volume The loudness of sound effects

IV. Preferences

For more, check levels.

V. Keybinds

This feature is mainly targeted for Desktop users.

Key In Function
Esc Main Menu Return to last page
Esc Fall Pause game
Left Right Main Menu (hori. dir.), Preferences, Global Leaderboard Scroll previous and next
Up Down Main Menu (vert. dir.) Scroll previous and next

VI. Account System

The account is only used for saving game data, nothing else is recorded.

Inactive accounts will face deletion.

On the 1st day of every month, an email will be sent to users who “have not logged in for at least 28 days” to remind them to log in. Otherwise, on the 28th day of the same month, those said accounts will be deleted forever.

When an account is logged in, local data and cloud data will start to sync. Normally, the larger values will replace the smaller ones. Only level progresses and achievements are synced to cloud.

My Page

Just a parent page for subpages.

Subpage Content
Achievements Each Fall has unique extra challenges to achieve. There are secret mysterious achievements that will not reveal itself until you reach 50% of progress.
Personal Best Records your best score of a Fall and the date. Suitable for a screenshot and boast.
Badges Time-limited events rewards.

Global Leaderboard

What’s different with the previous three is that log in is not required to view this page; however, it is if you want to get in! Only the top 15 gets displayed. To refresh the page, simply click reload in Menu.

When a player gets a new highscore, if they are logged in and connected to the Internet, the leaderboard will be updated immediately. Otherwise, they will have to wait until they log in the game the next time to sync to cloud.