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Level List

There are currently 10 levels in ⟪ALJ⟫, with the latest one being Hsia-Jheng, which is released in v1.10a.

YouTube BiliBili

JAUNT 探險家 征服者
Hamlet City Rocking Ocean
Wonderland Le Chill Abstract
Vacation Christmas Parade
Experience Hsia-Jheng

All Levels

Every statement below only applies to ⟪ALJ⟫. (Eg. first, most... etc)


Soundtrack BeeGees “Experience“
First Appearance v1.1a
Difficulty 2 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 3
Length 106 sec
  1. The first ever level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. Been remade 2 times, with the second time made significantly easier (Difficulty dropped from 3 to 2).
  3. Could be publicly downloaded.
  4. The first level to have words on the pyramid.
    • "Experience, is not imagination."


Soundtrack Rolling Sky “City“
First Appearance v1.2a
Difficulty 3 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 3
Length 120 sec
  1. The second level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. Has been in teaser since v1.1a, this is because it has existed - just not released - in v1.1a.
  3. Been remade 2 times.
  4. The first level to feature teleportation.
    • This has been removed after the first remake.
  5. The first level to feature novel transitions.
  6. The second level to have 2 endings.
    • However, the secret ending is not activated by collecting spheres.
  7. The first level to have troll routes.


Soundtrack Rolling Sky “Sunny“
First Appearance v1.3a
Difficulty 2 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 3
Length 130 sec
  1. The third level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. Been remade 2 times, and every time the places for spheres changed.
  3. Final level to be publicly released.
    • All levels after this can only be downloaded in the Discord Server.
  4. There was a sphere which required you to tap before entering the pyramid, the line will automatically turn mid-air to get it.
    • Without precise timing, the line may enter the pyramid.
    • This has been removed after the second remake.
  5. The first level to be named differently than its soundtrack.
  6. This level has been included and modified in SkyCloudStory.
  7. The level has the earliest checkpoint (12%).


Soundtrack Dancing Ball World “Prelude“
First Appearance v1.4a
Difficulty 1 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks
Checkpoints 0
Length 35 sec
  1. The fourth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. The shortest and easiest level in the game.
  3. Been made within a morning.
  4. This level was originally planned to be jungle-themed.
    • Therefore the teaser for this level was indeed a jungle (in v1.3).
  5. If remade levels are considered "newer levels," Hamlet would be the oldest level.
  6. The first level to not have secret routes and spheres.
  7. The only level to have no checkpoints.
    • Originally had one, but then removed.
  8. New main menu UI was made in this update.

Christmas Parade

Soundtrack Zutek 3134
First Appearance v1.5a
Difficulty 4 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 3
Length 194 sec
  1. The fifth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. The longest level in the game.
  3. GP0108 gave ideas to the starting part.
  4. The first original soundtrack.
    • Made with AppleLoops, and apparently they use existing melodies which I didn't know.
  5. The first level with 2 paths and 2 endings.
    • You can get "perfect" in both paths.
    • However, only "spectacular" in the second ending. This is because it is activated by collecting a required sphere.
  6. The first level to have 2 words in its name.


Soundtrack Dancing Line “Easter“
First Appearance v1.6a
Difficulty 2 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 1 sphere
Checkpoints 1
Length 93 sec
  1. The sixth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. First level to only have 1 sphere.
  3. First level to only have 1 checkpoint.

Rocking Ocean

Soundtrack Rolling Sky “Tsunami“
First Appearance v1.7a
Difficulty 5 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks
Checkpoints 2
Length 70 sec
  1. The seventh level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. The second shortest level in the game.
  3. HappyGamer3194 helped with level designing.
  4. The most hated level due to music.
  5. The first level to be locked.
    • The original unlocking condition was "light up 3 Orange Lights".
    • The next (v1.8a) update it became an item in the event shop.
    • It is now (v1.9b) free to play.
  6. The first level to feature camera filters.
  7. The distance from the final checkpoint to the end is the longest (50%).


Soundtrack Zutek 3134 “For Menu“
First Appearance v1.8a
Difficulty 5 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 1
Length 119 sec
  1. The eighth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. The second level with original soundtrack.
  3. First Anniversary special level.
    • Along came the second event in ALJ: Anniversary Event.
    • You could purchase Rocking Ocean, Abstract, and its dedicated skin "Party Hat."
  4. The original soundtrack was used in the now-removed main menu.
    • Hence the name "For Menu," it was not planned to be a level.
  5. This soundtrack is an extended version.
    • It was made for the game's first anniversary.
    • The shorter version was created years before A Line's Journey existed.
  6. The second level to have words on the pyramid.
    • "A Line's Journey 1 Year."
  7. The second level to be locked.
    • It is now (v1.9b) free to play.
  8. The spheres can only be collected using "Party Hat" skin.
    • This angered a lot of players who did not unlock the skin.
  9. The level with the last first checkpoint (62%).
  10. New main menu UI was made in this update.
  11. The game underwent the longest update halt (~ 10 months).

Le Chill

Soundtrack Zutek 3134
First Appearance v1.9a
Difficulty 3 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks
Checkpoints 2
Length 112 sec (level), 135 sec (bgm)
  1. The ninth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. The first secret/hidden level.
    • You activate it by tapping the footer text 4 times.
    • It is now (v1.9b) an official level.
  3. The soundtrack is shortened from ⟪Do Not Fall⟫, which is another game by Zutek 3134.
  4. There were originally no collectibles and percentage markers in the level.
  5. The first level to end before the soundtrack does.
    • Christmas Parade does not qualify as the secret ending continues until the music ends.
  6. This level has no Chinese translation.


Soundtrack Chai Found Music Workshop “Seasons of Asia“
First Appearance v1.10a
Difficulty 4 / 5
Collectibles 10 blocks, 3 spheres
Checkpoints 3
Length 153 sec
  1. The tenth level in ⟪ALJ⟫.
  2. Originally named "Taiwan" as scenes were taken from Taiwan.
    • Renamed to "East Asia."
    • Renamed to "Hsia-Jheng," which means "the first lunar month" in Chinese.
  3. The longest level to be unreleased since created (~ 2 years)
    • Originally level 5, but then Christmas Parade came out.
    • Been postponed for so long.
    • Made easier (Difficulty dropped from 5 to 4).
  4. This level has no English translation.