Breezy Summar pfp
Absurd Kid
Originally known as @communismandsocialist.
Loves to say “pussy,” “omg,” extremely random vocabularies in chat such as “observatory,” or just basically the most random crap ever.
Always spams letters as if he is cleaning his keyboard or types in ALL CAPS FOR NO REASON.
Tries to say jokes but always ends up in a logic bin where no one can comprehend what in the world just happened.
Bypasses the automod by saying “fack ui” or “AAAAAAAAAAS.”
Makes up custom definitions like “rolling” instead of “going,” “shanging” instead of “changing.”
Changes his own profile photo and then shout “WHY MY PICTURE.”
Cries for help, literally. Screams “HELP” or “BYE” in chat for no reason then continues to bother others.
Mr_RedYT pfp
Ill-Advised Kid
Has an alt account called alt acc pfp @dancinglinefan..
Constantly pings people even after being told not to.
Spam joins or uses an alternative account to bypass mute, but cannot even lie properly.
Has kindergarten-level English.
Racist towards Chinese.
ure pfp
Riled Kid
Originally known as @Ure-only-1-for-me#8480.
Chungking, Mainland China.
Loves Cai Xu-Kun memes.
Angry kid who curses heavily in Mandarin, and then be like “I was just joking I am a kid don’t get mad about what I said.”
Insults people.
Though behind the great firewall, he is very updated to foriegn memes.
Green Sprite pfp
This user has a bunch of accounts, but all are just combinations of Green, Sprite, Play, and Cola. Has his account banned by Discord numerous times.
Mixed race of American and Chinese.
Harrasses everyone by asking weird, disgusting questions.
Often deletes his messages after a while if not immediately.
merajso pfp
Double Standard Kid
Originally @merajso#7311.
Asks everyone to respect and be polite to him.
Always uses at least an emoji in his messages.
lnj pfp
Peculiar Kid
The user switched names very often. Best known as @Lick Not Jojo#3459.
I forgor
Lolvrioti pfp
E Kid
Previously known as @LOLVRIOTI#2718, notice the extra “i” in the new name.
Rarely says a complete sentence.
All he does is send random amount of “E” in chat.
noobgrammer69 pfp
Lots-of-Opinions Kid
Previously called @簡6248751903#3880.
Macau SAR.
Has many opinions towards anything.
Plays Minecraft with AlexChu69420.
gamerpro2 pfp
Annoying Kid
This user has a billion alt accounts, but all of them are called Gamer Pro.
Hong Kong SAR.
Thinks he is the most handsome guy in the world.