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Discord 曾用自訂狀態

日期 文字
1131114 🥵 Summer heat in Winter
1131111 🌧 nonstop
1131107 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 8/8
1131101 So hot in Winter
1131031 Typhoon Day-off
1131030 🌧
1131029 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 7/8
1131028 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 6/8
1131025 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 5/8
1131023 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 3/8
1131022 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 2/8
1131021 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 1/8
1131020 :ntnuLogo: Midterm 0/8
1131004 :doubleTenth113:
1131003 Typhoon Day-off again
1131002 Typhoon Day-off
1131001 :doubleTenth113:
1130918 :ntnuLogo:
1130917 💯 3
1130916 🌝 Mid-Autumn Festival
1130909 🏥 sick
1130907 :ntnuLogo: school
1130906 :ntnuLogo: no lunch time :(
1130905 :ntnuLogo: Morning 13.33
1130904 :ntnuLogo: Morning 15.5
1130903 :ntnuLogo: PE
1130902 :ntnuLogo: 朝九晚五
1130825 :ntnuLogo: school soon
1130822 🌞 Holiday Ending
1130821 Kaohsiung
1130808 🌞 3 Months of Holiday
1130807 🚉 play
1130802 🌞 3 Months of Holiday
1130801 Hsyuenkuh Success
1130712 🌞 3 Months of Holiday
1130709 Ganbu Training
1130707 🌞 3 Months of Holiday
1130703 2024 English Camp
1130611 🌞 3 Months of Holiday
1130610 :zongzi: Zongzi everywhere
1130609 💯 2
1130608 :zongzi: 沒放到連假
1130608 Report 2/3
1130605 Report 1/3
1130604 Final 4.5/5
1130603 Final 3.5/5
1130531 Final 2.5/5
1130530 Final 2/5
1130529 Final 1/5
1130529 Final 0/5
1130528 🌧 25 度下豪雨
1130526 🌧 38 度下雨
1130520 🌧 30 度下雨
1130516 🌞
1130513 🥶 fake Summer
1130505 🌞 立夏
1130427 🍟 ew
1130426 🍟 捲捲薯條食用者
1130425 midterm ended
1130423 quake
1130422 2 midterm left
1130420 tf is these weather
1130419 📈 weather be like
1130418 📉 weather be like
1130417 🌞 hot
1130416 0⃣ Exist Day
1130415 1⃣
1130414 2⃣
1130413 3⃣
1130412 4⃣
1130411 5⃣
1130410 6⃣
1130409 7⃣
1130408 8⃣
1130407 9⃣
1130406 🔟
1130405 :sweeping: holiday
1130404 👶 holiday
1130403 giant earthquake
1130327 🎍
1130318 :gooseHonk:
1130313 random weather
1130312 🥵 hot weather
1130310 🥶 cold weather
1130306 ⛈ terrible weather
1130305 🚗 vroom exam passed
1130305 🚗 vroom exam final
1130302 ☠ Phonetics prof succ
1130301 💯
1130226 :ntnuLogo:
1130224 🏮 元宵節
1130221 :ntnuLogo:
1130220 ☠ Phonetics
1130219 :ntnuLogo: 朝九晚九
1130218 :ntnuLogo: holiday of 56 days
1130217 :ntnuLogo: 我甭補課
1130216 🚗 vroom (exam)
1130215 🚗 vroom (final)
1130210 :loong: 甲辰 113
1130209 🏮 大年夜
1130208 🏮 小年夜
1130115 🚗 vroom
1130108 ☠ Choose courses failed
1130108 📚 Choose courses
1130104 🤒 Keep getting sick
1130102 :woo: Winter Vacation
1130101 🇹🇼 開國紀念日
1121225 :woo: Winter Vacation
1121012 :TPass: TPass user
1121011 臺中時區 GMT+08:20
1121010 :doubleTenth112: 藝人消失節
1121009 🇹🇼 國慶連假第三天
1121008 🇹🇼 國慶連假第二天
1121007 🇹🇼 國慶連假第一天
1121006 🇹🇼
1121004 🌀 十月還有颱風?
1121002 ?
1120929 🌝 中秋連假
1120928 🧑‍🏫
1120912 🚇 Gonna ride every line
1120911 ✈
1120910 2⃣ sooying
1120909 1⃣ sooying
1120907 英語發音免修
1120906 朝十晚三
1120905 無課日
1120904 朝九晚三
1120829 Now The New U
1120820 One week left
1120813 8 months of holiday
1120717 One month left
1120716 i'm not ready to be big student
1120710 🍚 免費=吃到飽
1120626 Holiday for half a year
1120623 🚣 Duanwu Festival
1120622 where zongzi emoji
1120614 🏫 I am big student
1120607 🏫 (no more)
1120606 ✌ 比耶典禮
1120601 🏆 (I have 3)
1120529 ✊ 🎹 🏆
1120518 請假面試算全勤
1120508 面試倒數
1120505 備審倒數
1120504 🦇 不修蝙蝠
1120425 🏓 桌球錦標賽
1120423 :grass: Tiny grass is dreaming
1120422 🌿 Grass Day
1120418 😭 完全責任能力人
1120417 週一,放假
1120416 😭 完全責任能力人
1120415 🇦
1120414 2⃣
1120413 3⃣
1120412 4⃣
1120411 5⃣
1120410 6⃣
1120409 7⃣
1120408 8⃣
1120407 9⃣
1120406 🔟
1120405 ☠ 學習歷程
1120402 兒童節是給我過的
1120401 愚人節是給愚人過的節
1120331 假日比平日長
1120330 數學考卷希望甲乙班都順利畢業
1120329 有人讀段考嗎
1120328 段——考——
1120326 所賸無幾的十七歲
1120325 補何日之課,著何日之服
1120324 社會組老師罵髒話已收集 4/4
1120323 「誰的乒乓球?我要坐上去」
1120322 「你個申是一個都上不了欸!」
1120321 「你學期都過一半了!」
1120320 「來乖乖,起來看書,很皮喔!」
1120319 「要吵回家去吵」
1120318 「讓分科戰士讀書,不要吵」
1120317 「不是要分科嗎,怎麼考這樣?」
1120316 「聊夠了沒,你們聊的比我上的還多」
1120315 tr 12 輔導不給預約
1120314 π 日
1120310 你是二輪
1120309 卡——位——
1120308 繁——星——
1120301 Wow it's March
1120228 4⃣ ニニハ
1120227 3⃣ 放——假——
1120226 2⃣ 放——假——
1120225 1⃣ 放——假——
1120224 0⃣ 放——假——
1120223 放——榜——
1120213 開——學——
1120212 寒假作業0
1120206 🐰 癸卯 112
1120205 🏮 元宵節
1120122 🐰 癸卯 112
1120121 🏮 大年夜
1120120 🏮 小年夜
1120119 畢旅(下)
1120118 畢旅(中)
1120117 畢旅(上)
1120116 無聊週一
1120115 學測(下)
1120114 學測(中)
1120113 學測(上)
1120108 學測戰士,乾杯!
1120102 🇹🇼 補——假——
1120101 🇹🇼 開國紀念日